A credit score is a number that indicates how likely you are to pay a debt. That's it.
Your credit score is :
Now a days, there are million advertisements to check your credit score for free but there only three credit bureaus that lenders actually utilize when it comes to giving you a loan:
You can check all three for free here.
Lenders do not look at or use your vantage score (2.0 or 3.0) that you get from places like credit karma.
If you're credit is low, there's a likely hood that you've had issues in your past paying loans on time or perhaps you've defaulted on a loan. If you're looking to improve your credit score, the overall strategy is to remove negative remarks from your credit report. To do this, you're going to have to "troubleshoot" each issue one by one.
You're going to want to utilize these things:
1. Pay your delinquencies:
2. Utilize goodwill letters
3. Dispute your delinquencies with the three bureaus:
4) Open lines of credit
When you don't have any credit reported on your credit report, you're going to need some. You would want credit when it comes to taking out consumer loans like a auto or mortgage loan. Your credit score and income are the two things that determine the APR a lender will give you. There are few way to improve your credit with no credit.
1. Get a secured credit card
2. Get bills in your name
3. See if your apartment complex can or does reports to the credit bureaus
4. See if someone will add you to thier line of credit as an authorized user:
This category of the a credit score had to get its own section. Credit utilization is so simple it's insane. You simply request credit limit increases on your lines of credit every 6 months and you don't change your spending habit at all. As your available credit goes up and your spending stays the same, your credit utilization goes down because you are using less and less of your available credit. The crazy thing is, this whole process is 100% free and will raise your credit score pretty fast. The only downside, is that the memory of credit utilization is low so month to month you have to not really use all your available credit. That's issue with the system, not the method
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